Sunday, January 31, 2010

Our Ward Missionaries in the World!



Elder Tyson Anderson (Canada Toronto East Mission - Mandarin Speaking) is a Trainer with a brand new missionary in the field and enjoying the experience. Here is an excerpt from a recent letter: "Yesterday, I had the wonderful blessing and privilege to watch one of Heavenly Father's precious daughters, Cindy Wang, go into the waters of baptism and start a new life on His path. The baptismal service went really well and smoothly, and she had a lot of support. There was a strong spirit as well. It was a wonderful experience for Elder Winkle as well to be able to baptize her in his first transfer. I'm grateful the Lord allowed him to see success early in his mission. I am also grateful that the Lord saw fit to allow me to participate in this process as well. I think back to a few months ago when I was working with nothing, and the struggles that it took. And now I see it pay off. It's an incredible experience. I trust the Lord with all of my heart. He is in charge of everything. We hope to commit Cindy's son, Bill, to be baptized next month. Even Cindy is referring to him as "our goal" haha. Oh I love that family.Elder Tyson Anderson

We are also working with a young man named Johnson Liu. He's 15 years old and came to church yesterday as well as attended the baptism service. Apparently he already knows some of the youth from school so we're really excited."

Canada Toronto East Mission
24 Ferrand Dr., Ste. 300
Don Mills, ON M3C 3V4

Postage is $.75 for a regular-sized envelope.


I'm currently serving in Cocoa, Florida, which is on the Atlantic Coast, about 50 miles east of Orlando. It's much more rural than the hustle and bustle of big-city Orlando. The people here are from a simpler lifestyle - more conservative politically and religiously. The challenges and opportunities to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ are different here than what we found in Orlando. One thing we do a lot more of is provide service to members and non-members that live here. It's so easy to talk about the Church and our belief in Jesus Christ when we are helping people rake leaves, lay parquet floors or paint fences. We are working hard to get more of our investigators to church where we can let our wonderful members (many of whom are converts themselves) fellowship and share their strong testimonies. (Kevin would love to get a letter from the home ward!)

Every day brings new people, new experiences and new blessings. Thank you for your letters, your prayers of support and your unbelievable faith which all help me so much. I think of the Glenview Ward often and know that your strong missionary spirit is spreading with each new missionary you send out. I feel fortunate and blessed to be one of them.

Thanks and love to everybody - - especially those who are active member missionaries!

Elder Kevin C. Lussier

(address below good to General Conference - after that ship to main Orlando Florida mission home address)

Elder Kevin Lussier
7098 Bayfront Rd
Port St. John, FL 32927


Mailing Address: 
Elder Nathan Carroll
8532 NW 66th St
Miami, FL  33166

( Note:  Nathan is serving in the Dominican Republic but his mail goes to this address)


Sister Stroud is now serving in Tooele, Utah. Catey has been on her mission for almost 7 months. Her first 3 companions were from Samoa, Mongolia, and Japan. (We call it her international mission). While she was called to the Salt Lake City English speaking mission, her mission president just assigned her to the Spanish speaking mission. While Catey had five-years of Spanish prior to her mission, she is now working feverishly to brush up and improve her Spanish. Her area of assignment includes an English speaking stake and a Spanish Branch in Tooele.

While on her mission Catey has had much success teaching up to 40 lessons per week. This is due to the support the members in her area give her through referrals. All the missionaries in her mission will spend the entire day in the Salt Lake Temple this Wednesday as a reward for baptizing 2,086 new members in 2009. She is so excited to spend the day in the Lord’s House.

Catey loves serving the Lord. It is amazing to see the growth of her testimony. While she has had a lot of unique experiences and a lot of success she gives all of the credit to her Savior. We are so proud of her and look forward to her emails each week. If you would like to write to Catey her address is listed below. She would love to hear from you. We would like to share her testimony written in her own words as the closing of this update.

“I know that this is the true Church on the Earth today. I know that God lives and loves us. I know that Jesus Christ died for us so that we can return and live with Him. I know that it is ONLY through His Atonement that I can learn and grow and become more like Him. As I work to overcome all of my weaknesses, my faith in Him grows stronger and stronger. During all the trying times that I go through on my mission, I become closer and closer to Him. I love Him so much. I pray that I will be able to make you proud. I know that I am not the best missionary, but I try really hard. I have seen so many miracles happen on my mission, in my life, and in the lives of others. My testimony continually grows as I teach others about Christ and His Restored Gospel. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”

Utah Salt Lake City Mission
West Entrance
3487 South 1300 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84106-2951

If you would like to read her blog she is at


Mailing address:
Elder Brad Bishop
5201 Summerhill Rd.  #502
                             Texarakana, TX   75503


Mailing Address:
Elder Alex Patterson
1 Oleary Way #93
Jamaica Plain, MA  02130

Elder Christopher Brown is doing great. He loved the MTC experience. He feels that Heavenly Father was certainly guiding him in learning a new language, and he wrote his testimony to Dan in Spanish. He also was serving as district leader while he was there.

There has been a delay in getting his Visa to go to Colombia, and he was sent to the Salt Lake City South Mission on Thursday. His gmail address is We do know that where ever he is, he is grateful to be serving the Lord.

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