Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Relief Society

Institute starts again for all sisters who are interested. It's going to be on Thursdays from 9:30-11:00 and they are going to study the Book of Mormon. Jane Halcomb sent the message for all of you to get ready to learn.

Also, if you are interested in the nursery, please let me know. I need to give that message to Sis. Huber.

I hope you were all able to get to Stake Conference. The adult meeting Saturday night taught us about provident living as well as going to the temple! Did you all catch the challenges made by Pres. Smith on Sunday? He reminded us about his challenge from the last Stake Conference to give out a Book of Mormon and said that if you haven't done it, to please work on it for this next 6 months. And also, a big challenge for us all to get totally out of CONSUMER debt within 24 months! What great advice from our Stake President who loves us all so much!

Mark your calendars for THIS SUNDAY 8/16 to come to the missionary fireside! It's at the Stake Center at 7:00 and I can tell you from experience that they are well worth the time. If you don't have someone to bring just come yourselves and be edified. The spirit is always so wonderful and it's a GREAT opportunity to bring a non-member.

It looks like we got the okay to have another ALL Relief Society lesson September 13th!! This means a break for all the young women's leaders and primary and nursery leaders!!! We love to have ALL of our sisters together every so often to be able to feel of the good sisterhood we have in this ward!

We will be having our visiting teaching interviews coming up on Saturday September 19th. There will be a sign up going around for each of you to sign up. Please take the time to come and let us know how things are going with your companions as well as those you teach. As a presidency we are VERY interested in how each of the sisters are doing, and that includes YOU!

Ward Newsletter Music